
Entering and completing the 社会正义与文化研究 major

In order to earn a degree, you must complete at least one academic major. SPU encourages students to explore various academic paths, so if you change your mind about a major or minor, 或者想要包含一个额外的程序, you are able to do so, as outlined below.

Note that the University encourages you to enter your chosen major(s) and minor(s) by the start of your junior year. Students who transfer as juniors and seniors should enter a major within their first two quarters at SPU.

  • 如果这是你在西雅图大学的第一节课 and you identified the 社会正义与文化研究 major as your first choice on your application for admission to the University, 你已经进入专业了. 改变或增加大调或小调; follow these instructions.
  • If you are an SPU student with an SPU cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better, follow these instructions 主修:进入本系主修或辅修.
  • Students on academic probation (with an SPU cumulative GPA below 2.0) will not be permitted to enter a new major or minor until they regain good academic standing.
  • 这所大学要求成绩达到C或更高 in all classes that apply to a major or minor; however, programs may require higher minimum grades in specific courses. You may repeat an SPU course only once for a higher grade.
  • 为了在这个项目中取得进展, meet with your faculty advisor regularly to discuss your grades, course progression, and other indicators of satisfactory academic progress. If your grades or other factors indicate that you may not be able to successfully complete the major or minor, your faculty advisor can work with you to explore options, which may include choosing a different major or minor.
  • 你必须完成主要或次要的要求 that are in effect in the SPU Undergraduate Catalog for the year you enter the major or minor.
Program Offered
  • 社会正义与文化研究 (major and tracks)


Program Director: Kimberly Segall博士

In this major, you will study culture, representation, and power in order to analyze social formations — such as gender, 比赛, class, 性——并探索抗议的形式, 电阻, and social change. The approach to this field will be informed by Christian theologies of social justice.

This major provides a gateway to a variety of vocations such as 教育, human rights law, refugee work, public policy, 非政府组织的调解, and environmental advocacy, 以及创造性艺术(e.g., documentary film-making, graphic design, creative writing, etc.). Students focus their study by selecting one of the following tracks in the major: Advanced Cultural Studies; Art for Social Change; Meditation, 和平, and Conflict Resolution; Pre-Law Human Rights and 政策; or Environmental Justice.

  • A minimum 65 credits are required for this major, including 25 upper-division credits.
  • Students are encouraged to pursue advocacy, internship, or study abroad opportunities.

了解更多网易彩票app这个项目的信息 使命、愿景和学习成果.


这个专业包括这五个独立的轨道, allowing you to pursue your specific academic and vocational interest:


For those seeking social change in areas of: immigration law, mass incarceration, refugee work, sexuality issues, gender policies, 健康, 教育, housing policies, social activism for civil rights and human rights.

  • For students interested in policy change or law school.
  • A social-science 统计数据 course is recommended for those invested in policy change and documentation.


For students invested in changing the world through artistic forms, including graphic design, creative writing, 剧本创作, 摄影, and documentary film.

  • If you want to combine writing with graphic design or film production with documentary 研究, 这条轨道将艺术和正义行动主义联系起来.
  • The Social Venture Planning course is recommended for those wanting to start entrepreneurship enterprises.

Track C: Mediation, peace, and conflict resolution

适合对社会服务感兴趣的学生, 政治/非政府组织(ngo), human resources, and social work.

  • 对改变世界感兴趣? This track in 和平 and Conflict resolution prepares you to work in a variety of corporate or social settings, preparing you to navigate socio-political schisms and mediate micro-aggressions.
  • If you want to lead small groups, this track sets a foundation for social work.
  • For future MA in Social Work, a social science 统计数据 course is recommended.

Track D:高级文化研究

For students committed to specializing in cultural studies, 这是未来教育工作者的理想选择, graduate students, and double majors.

  • If you are considering a future PhD, it is helpful to take the Literary Theory class.
  • If your future graduate field is cultural studies, consider a double major with film studies or Asian studies.
  • 如果教书是你的愿景 MA in Education, this is your track.


For students interested in environmental law and forms of public policy, 本课程提供环境数据方面的技能, 统计数据, 研究, and graph analysis in order to help you assess the impact of policy on groups of people, regarding climate change, land management, locational risks, and water shortages.

  • Concerned about the state of the world around you? 这是为未来的环境律师准备的, 非营利组织, 作为生态学研究的起点.
  • Electives in environmental science or policy are recommended for this track.
  • You are encouraged to complete an internship in environmental studies as part of your vocational exploration.

出国留学 opportunities


This SPU Global Seminar studies literature, theater, and cultures in South Africa. Taken during the month of December (after Autumn Quarter).


This SPU Global Seminar studies literature and transnational culture in Spain and Morocco. Taken during the month of December (after Autumn Quarter).

For details about these and other study abroad opportunities, visit SPU’s 出国留学 页面.