

Master of Education (MEd) in Literacy with P–12 Certification is designed for educators who would like to become reading specialists, 识字的教练, 或者在P-12教室里配备更好的阅读教师.

的 program is aligned with 的 endorsement competencies for reading/literacy in 的 state of Washington and will help prepare you for 的 NES Essential Components of Elementary Reading Instruction (104) exam. 您可以在任何季度申请并开始该计划.

Graduates of this program will have a foundation in 的 的oretical and empirical bases of effective literacy instruction, 具有阅读和写作发展的理解, 阅读困难的性质和原因, 以及有效教学的原则和策略.


的 MEd in Literacy with P–12 Certification route combines 的 required coursework and internship experiences for a Washington state Residency Teaching Certificate with 的 MEd in Literacy degree. 的 certification component is designed to be completed on a part-time basis over a two-year period. Following certification, 的 MEd in Literacy can be completed in approximately one additional year.

This route is designed for those who seek a Washington state Teaching Certificate, 包括来自其他州的老师, those who wish to return to teaching and need a current certificate, and those who wish to become teachers and have a passion for literacy instruction. Completion of 的 program prepares you to add a reading endorsement to your teaching certificate.


Qualifications for adding 的 reading endorsement include passing 的 NES Essential Components of Elementary Reading Instruction (104) exam and a successful pedagogy assessment.


You will be required to pass a written comprehensive exam taken at 的 end of 的 program to receive 的 MEd in Literacy degree.


Admission requirements to 的 Literacy plus Certification program mirror 的 requirements for 的 Master of Arts in Teaching program, and applicants will be considered a part of 的 MAT cohort for 的 first two years of 的ir program, 在获得认证的同时.

申请人必须提交下列资料至 研究生招生:

  • 在线申请 50美元的申请 手续费.
  • 官方成绩单(s) 从每个学院或大学就读.
    • 如果你的学位不是美国大学的.S. 学院或大学, please arrange for your transcript to be evaluated by an accredited transcript evaluation company such as 韦斯. Have 的 report forwarded directly to 研究生招生.
  • 个人陈述 (1 - 2页).
  • 的简历.
  • GRE(研究生入学考试)  or  米勒类比测验 申请五年内的成绩.
    • 在表格上er GRE exam, preferred minimum combined Verbal and Quantitative score of 950.
    • On 的 revised GRE exam, preferred minimum scores of Verbal: 148 and Quantitative: 147.
    • 在MAT上,优先考虑最低分数为400*.
  • 两到四个字母 推荐信.
  • 通过 韦斯T-B scores including 240 on each sub-test: reading, 写作, and ma的matics. 你可以使用SAT的组合, 行为, and 韦斯T-B scores to meet 的 韦斯T-B requirement (reading 写作, 数学). 联系 研究生招生 如果你有问题.
    • Minimum SAT scores required: Math: 515, Reading: 500, Writing: 490.
    • Minimum 行为 scores required: Math: 22, Reading: 22, Writing: 8.
  • 通过 国家背书测验.
  • 背书验证表格.
    • Endorsements are 的 content and grade levels a teacher is prepared to teach. 的 专业教育标准委员会(PESB) provides a comprehensive list of all endorsements offered at SPU.
    • 如果你的大学专业与你想要的背书相符, complete 的 背书验证表格 in 的 application.
    • If your major does not match your intended endorsement, please contact 克丽丝蒂Kanehen,证照员. 填妥签注验证表格 只有在 联系克里斯蒂·卡内恩. 在表格上, indicate that you have been in contact with her and list your "Approved Plan of Study" if one has been developed.
  • 道德品质及个人健康政策表格 (可在网上申请中找到).

*的 GRE or MAT will be waived for students who achieved at least (a) a 3.本科累积GPA为0或(b) a为3.在过去的45个学分中获得了0分.

Applicants with complete files submitted by 的 deadline are screened for interviews, 于四月在网易彩票下载校园举行. 面试邀请是通过电子邮件发送的. 建议申请人添加 这些电子邮件地址 as contacts to avoid inadvertent delivery of correspondence to spam or junk folders.


In order to be approved for full admission into 的 Literacy plus Certification program, 申请人必须通过所有三个部分(阅读), 写作, and 数学) of 的 Washington Educator Skills Test – Basic (韦斯T-B), 或同等的SAT和行为成绩,如上所示. 除了, applicants must pass 的 Washington Educator Skills Test – Endorsements (韦斯T-E or NES) in 的ir preferred endorsement area(s) according to 的 schedule shown above.


  • 学生必须连续入学 在SPU必修课程中获得硕士学位, 或者直到正式退出这个项目. Exceptions to continuous enrollment must be approved by 的 program director.
  • 学生可以获准休假 最多四个季度由项目主管负责. 一旦休假期满, 的 student will ei的r enroll in graduate coursework or be dropped from 的 program.
  • SPU的学生学术服务要求 continuous enrollment to remain admitted in a graduate program. 经过四个季度的不登记, students will be placed in “inactive status” and will need to reapply for admission.
  • If a student decides to no longer pursue a master’s degree, 的 student may officially withdraw from 的 program and SPU by notifying 的 program director and 的 graduate programs manager.


录取材料请寄至 研究生招生. If you have questions about graduate education or certification programs: