

Who we are

The 商学院,政府, 经济学院提供工商管理专业, Accounting, Economics, Global Development, Political Science, and 政治、哲学和经济学.


Our Mission

深深扎根于基督教信仰和价值观的, 网易彩票app培养通过商业服务促进人类繁荣的领导者, government, and civil society.

Degree programs

  • Accounting (major)
  • Business Administration (major, minor, and tracks)
    • Tracks: General; Economics; Finance; Information Systems; International Business; Management; Marketing; Public Policy; Social Enterprise
  • Economics (major, minor, and tracks)
    • Tracks: General; Business; Development Economics; Financial Economics; Public Policy
  • Entrepreneurship (minor)
  • Global Development Studies (major)
  • Political Science (major, minor, and tracks)
    • Tracks: General; Public Policy & Law; International Affairs
  • 政治、哲学和经济学 (major and tracks)
    • Tracks: Applied Economics; Financial Economics; International Affairs; Philosophy; Law; Public Administration; Social Enterprise


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